There was a little giraffe. He was the first giraffe in the world. He lived in East Africa with his best friend, Rhino. Rhino is a very mild-mannered rhinoceros. Every day, they looked for food, but the sun was very hot and the earth was dry so there was no food anywhere. They were very hungry. One day, they went to see the wise man and said “we’re very hungry so please can you help?”. The wise man said “Come back tomorrow and I’ll make a magic drink for you”. The next day, the little giraffe visited the wise man but the Rhino didn’t come. The little giraffe began to magic drink and he grew taller and taller. His neck was very taller. Rhino forgot about magic drink!!! He was struck with dry grass. He was angry with the giraffe, the wise man and himself. He’s still angry today so Rhinoceros has a hot temper.
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