A green monster as SHREK lived in an edge in the marsh from which a human dwelling is away. SHREK which lives is talked about with a cannibal monster from people so that I may hide myself but I'm the lonely giant kind actually.On some days, characters of a fairy tale have pressed against his site. I say to a prince as wicked FAKUADO Lord that you drove a country away. SHREK decides to achieve an appointment with FAKUADO Lord for my company.The appointment was to be helpful to the Fiona princess who sticks to Shiro who needs the dragon which throws up a flame. An adventure takes a donkey of a donkey, and starts. 2 people knock down a dragon and rescue Fiona princess.Fiona princess was a very good-looking princess. But there was a secret which will transform itself into a monster like SHREK at night. Fiona princess admits the mutual form each other, and is formed with SHREK attracted by a gentl
e person each other.
I have seen all SHREK. I felt like seeing first SHREK, knowing the pleasure and seeing everything. Last time was judged from dubbing, so the one judged by English was for the first time. So it was possible to be slightly different from the one judged by Japanese and see.
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