
Essay-3: My university life

My university life is busy every day. But there are club of activities, so the university is very funny. I'm included in a walk club. They gather on weekly Wednesday and when having free time, I go to a drive and drinking. Even if school and a part-time job are busy because there is a club, I can exert myself. A club is done without breath for me. When I suffer from study and a friend, a friend of a club concerns himself and gives advice. Later, I'll advise each other each other. The existence which isn't supposed to have no clubs for me.

Next it's a part-time job that it's also the part of my college life. It was just 4 times a week. But before was 5 times a week, so I went to a part-time job like every day. The place where I'm working is a 'yakiniku' restaurant mainly at a restaurant of Korean food. I'm doing a kitchen there. It's busy and severe, so the kitchen is serious. The 1st year has passed soon since I began this part-time job. I kept understanding no first time and being scolded. But most on the menu of the store could just be made now by itself.

My university life enriches play and a part-time job wonderfully. But the one of study isn't enough now, so I have to persevere in study.I receive a lecture as a travel business handling administrator this year. There is a class from lunch on Saturday to the evening every week. The state examination is here in September. So I also have to do the study. I'd like to bring a problem of the class of the school to an end first.

My university life is busy. So I'm in bad condition recently. I'd like to train a body, and is going to go to a gym from next week. To be a college student and move has disappeared, so the trigger by which I thought I went to a gym is because I thought I'd like to exercise as 1 of hobbies. I think so you should be able to exercise and refresh yourself while making the club and the part-time job study.


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