I read this book. This story is about kipper. One day, kipper was watching television. He was watching a programme called "The Angry Giant". He liked the programme. The angry giant lived in a castle near a village. He was always cross. Kipper went to find Chip but he was out. He picked up the magic key and it began to glow. Kipper ran to get Biff but she was out with Chip. The magic began to work. It took Kipper inside the magic house. Kipper came to the village but it was ting. Kipper helped the villagers to mend their house. The giant came back. He was very angry when he saw Kipper in the village. The people were frightened but kipper went to help the giant. He picked up the giant's things and put a bandage round his head. Kipper was bigger than the giant. The magic took kipper home.
This story is interesting. I think that kipper is very kind. And he is cute.
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